ORDINANCE NO. 2017-7-2


WHEREAS many citizens of this community expect their local government to assist them in preserving their privacy and avoiding petty annoyances that disrupt their quiet enjoyment of their homes, and


WHEREAS other persons often desire to interrupt the quiet enjoyment of one’s home to solicit donations for causes believed to be worthy of support, or to canvas for support for particular religious, ideological, or political causes or for reasons of prompting commerce, and


WHEREAS an important part of the freedom enjoyed by all citizens and residents of the United States is the right to speak freely, to express ideas that may be unpopular, and to engage others [n debate without government interference, and


WHEREAS the Supreme Court of the United States has consistently recognized the right and obligation of local governments to protect their citizens from fraud and harassment, particularly when solicitation of money is involved, and


WHEREAS it is the responsibility of all units of government to balance these competing interests in a manner consistent with the Constitution of the United States and of Texas, while attempting to minimize fraud, prevent crime, and protect the privacy of our citizens.


Section One. Definitions. As used in this ordinance the following words have the meaning indicated;


A.  “Canvasser” is a person who attempts to make personal contact with a resident at his/her residence without prior specific invitation or appointment from the resident, for the primary purpose of: (I) attempting to enlist support for or against a particular religion, philosophy, ideology, political party, issue or candidate, even if incidental to such purpose the canvasser accepts the donation of money for or against such cause, or (2) distributing a handbill or flyer advertising a non-commercial event or


B.  “City” shall mean the City of Rising Star, Texas, and its officers, employees and/or


C.  “Handbill” or “Flyer” means and includes any printed or written matter, any sample or device, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet, or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter or literature.


D.  “Itinerant Vendor” is a person, whether a resident of the City or not, who sets up and operates a temporary business on privately owned property, whether improved or unimproved, in the City, soliciting, selling, or taking orders for, or offering to sell or take orders for any goods or services. A temporary business is one that continues for forty-five days or less; and, exists whether solicitation is from a stand, vehicle, or


E.  “Parkway” means the area between the edge of the designated street and the adjacent owner’s property


F.  “Peddler” is a person, whether a resident of the City or not, who attempts to make personal contact with a resident at his/her residence without prior specific invitation or appointment from the resident, for the primary purpose of attempting to sell a good or ser A “peddler” does NOT include a person who distributes handbills or flyers for a commercial purpose, advertising an event, activity, good or service that is offered to the resident for purchase at a location away from the residence or at a time different from the time of visit. Such a person is a “solicitor.”


G.  “Solicitor” is a person who attempts to make personal contact with a resident at his/her residence without prior specific invitation or appointment from the resident, for the primary purpose of: (I) attempting to obtain a donation to a particular patriotic, philanthropic, social ervice, welfare, benevolent, educational, civic, fraternal, charitable, political or religious purpose, even if incidental to such purpose there is the sale of some good or service, or (2) distributing a handbill or flyer advertising a commercial event or servic


H.  “Street” means the portion of the street that is paved, designated, or used for vehicular traffic, and all areas dedicated to public use for public street purposes, including parkways, alleys, and sidewalks.


I.  “Traffic Island” mean a barrier within a street to exclude vehicles, designated for the purpose of separating or directing streams of vehicular


Section Two. Exemptions. The licensing provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the following persons, events or activities:


A.  Federal, state or local government employee or a public utility employee in the performance of his/her duty for his/her employer;


B.  Sale of goods, wares, or merchandise donated by the owners thereof, the proceeds whereof to be applied to charity or philanthropic purposes;


C.  Solicitations and/or sale of goods for religious and charitable (non-profit) organizations including but not limited to churches, civic clubs, and associations, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownie Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little Dribblers, soccer clubs, as well as any other athletic clubs and associations;


D.  Persons selling farm produce raised by them on their own lands, on lands that they lea e or control or in a City affiliated or recognized “farmer’s market”;


E.  Sales made pursuant to owners or occupants of private residences or commercial property by a peddler who has a regular busines , trade, service or other contractual relationship with that owner or occupant;


F.  Religious, political or nonprofit organization and their representatives distributing handbills or pamphlets only for the purpose of communicating issues of general interest to the public. A donation received from the distribution of handbills or pamphlets does not affect this exemption. These persons are referred to herein as “canvas ers”; and


G.  Garage sales conducted by residents of the City only.


Section Three. License Required for Peddlers, Itinerant Vendors, and Solicitors, available for Canvassers.  No person shall act as a peddler, itinerant vendor or solicitor within the City without first obtaining a Peddler License in accordance with this ordinance. A canvasser is not required to have a Peddler License but any canvasser wanting a Peddler Licen e for the purpose of reassuring City residents of the canvasser’s good faith shall be issued one upon request. The license shall not be transferable nor give authority to more than one (I) person, firm or corporation to conduct a business as a peddler, solicitor or itinerant vendor, but any such person, firm or corporation having obtained such license may have the assistance of one (I) or more persons in conducting aid business .

Section Four. Fees.  The fees for the processing of application and the issuance of each peddler license shall be:


A. For a peddler or solicitor requesting a peddler license· an application fee of $30.00 upon submittal of an application and a license fee of $35.00 to be paid before issuance of the license.


B. For an itinerant vendor requesting a peddler license: an application fee of$30.00 upon submittal of an application and a license fee of $250.00 to be paid before issuance of the license.


C. For a canvasser requesting a peddler License: no fee.


Section Five. Application for Peddler License.  Any person or organization (formal or informal) may apply for one or more peddler licenses by completing an application form at the office of the City Administrator, during regular office hours. The peddler license shall be issued by the City Administrator or his designee, not earlier than five (5) business day and not more than ten ( 10) business days after the application is completed and filed, unless it is determined within that time that:


A. the applicant ha been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude within the past seven years;


B. with respect to a particular license, the individual for whom a card is requested has been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude within the past seven years; or


C. any statement upon the application is false. unless the applicant can demonstrate that the falsehood was the result of excusable neglect.

Section Six. Contents of Application.  The applicant (person or organization) shall provide the following information:


A.  Name of applicant;

B.  Number of peddler licenses required for each person working for an applicant must be identified in the application but does not have to obtain a separate peddler license.

C.  The name, physical description and photograph of each person for which a card is requested. ln lieu of this information, a driver’s license, state identification card, passport, or other government-issued identification card (issued by a government within the United States) containing this information may be provided, and a photocopy taken.

D.  The permanent and (if ru1y) local address of the applicant.

E.  The permanent and (if any) local address of each person for whom a license is requested.

F.  A brief description of the proposed activity related to this peddler license. (Copies of literature to be distributed may be substituted tor this description at the option of the applicant).

G.  Date and place of birth for each person for whom a card is  requested.

H.  A list of all infractions, offenses, misdemeanors ru1d felony convictions of each person for whom a license is requested for the seven years immediately prior to the application (including each person working for ru1 applicant identified in the application).

I.  The motor vehicle make, model, year, color, and state license plate number of any vehicle which will be used by each person for whom a license is  requested.

J.  If a license is requested for a peddler:

          a.  The name and permanent address of the business offering the event, activity, good or service (i.e., the peddler’s principal place of business).

          b.  A copy of the principal’s sales tax license as issued by the state of Texas, provided that no copy of a license shall be required of any business

          which appears on the City’s annual report of sales tax payees as provided by the Texas Comptroller’s

          c.  The location where books and records are kept of sales which occur within the City and which are available for City inspection to determine

          that all City sales taxes have been paid.

K.  If a license is requested for a solicitor:

          a.  The name and permanent address of the organization, person, or group for whom donations (or proceeds) are accepted.

          b.  The web address for this organization, person, or group (or other address) where residents having subsequent questions can go for more informati

L.  If a license is requested for an itinerant vendor (in addition to the foregoing information):

          a. The written permission of the owner of the private property to be on the private property.

M.  Any other information the applicant wishes to provide, perhaps including copies of literature to be distributed, references to other municipalities where similar activities have occurred. etc.

Section Seven. Investigation.  During the time following the application for one or more peddler licenses and its issuance, the City, through its Police Chief or his authorized designee, shall investigate as to the truth and accuracy of the information contained in the application. The Police Chief may secure a background check through any lawful means on each applicant, and all other persons listed on the application, before issuance of a license, which investigation may include but is not necessarily limited to personal interviews with named individuals, criminal history check, verification of references and information contained within the application. If the City has not completed its investigation within ten (10) business days, the license will nonetheless be issued subject, however, to administrative revocation upon completion of the investigation. If a canvasser requests a peddler license, the investigation will proceed as described above, but if the City refuses to issue the peddler license (or revokes it after issuance), the canvassers will be advised that the failure to procure a peddler license does not prevent him/her from canvas sing the residents of the City.

Section Eight. Revocation of license.


A.  Grounds. Any license issued hereunder may be revoked if the license holder is convicted of a violation of any provisions of this ordinance or has knowingly made a false material statement in the application or otherwise becomes disqualified for the issuance of a license under the terms of this ordinance.


B.  Notice. If the issuing officer denies (or upon completion of an investigation revokes) the peddler license to one or more persons he shall immediately convey the decision to the applica11t orally and shall within twenty-four (24) working hours after the denial prepare a written report of the rea on for the denial which shall be immediately made available to the


C. Appeal; The licensee shall have ten (10) days from the date of revocation or denial in which to file notice of his appeal to the City Council from the order denying or revoking the license. The appeal shall be conducted by the City Council at its next regular meeting, provided such regular meeting is scheduled at least four (4) business days after receipt of the written notice of appeal o that the City may comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act. After holding the hearing on the revocation or denial, the City Council shall by majority vote either sustain the action or issue an order reinstating the license.


D.  In the event of the filing of an appeal from a revocation issued under the provisions of this ordinance, then, until such appeal has been determined by the City Council such revocation order shall be


Section Nine. Hearing on Appeal. If the applicant requests a hearing under Section 8, the hearing hall be an administrative hearing. Adherence to formal rules of evidence shall not be required. The City Council shall render a decision on the appeal within ten (10) days after the date of the hearing. The decision of the City Council shall be final and binding, unless appealed to the District Court in which the City is located no later than ten ( I 0) days after the City Council’s decision is delivered to the applicant. The hearing before the City Council shall al o be subject to the Texas Open Meetings law.


Section Ten. Display of Peddler License. Each peddler license shall be (when the individual for whom it was  issued in acting as a peddler or solicitor) worn on the outer clothing of the individual or otherwise displayed, so as to be reasonably  visible to any person who might be approached by said person. Itinerant vendors shall display the peddler license at their temporary location in a conspicuous place where the sale or exhibit is being conducted, and  hall remain so displayed so long as any goods, ware , or merchandise are being sold or exhibited. In the event the holder of a peddler license for an itinerant vendor has no temporary place of business but conducts business from any horse-drawn and/or motor vehicle, then the license shall be prominently displayed in a conspicuous  place on the vehicle where such sale or exhibit i being conducted, and shall remain so displayed so long as  any good , wares or merchandise are being sold or exhibited.

Section Eleven. Validity of Peddler license; Renewal.  A peddler license shall be valid\ within the meaning of this ordinance for a period of one year from its date of issuance or the term requested, whichever is less. Each and every year, on the anniversary date of the issuance of such license, the person or company receiving the same may cause the same to be renewed by paying the renewal fee of $100.00 for a peddler license for itinerant vendors and $35.00 for peddlers and solicitors. In the event any licensee fails to renew the license prior to the anniversary date of the issuance of the license, then the licensee shall make application for a new license and pay the fees as provided herein.


Section Twelve. Revocation of License by Municipal Court Judge. A municipal court judge, in addition to imposing a fine, may institute proceedings to suspend or revoke the license of a person if the person is required by law to obtain a peddler license from the City and the judge finds the person guilty of violating this ordinance or other City ordinance relating to peddlers.


Section Thirteen. “No Visit” List. The City Administrator or authorized designee hall maintain a list of persons within the City who re trict visits to their residential property (including their leasehold, In the case of a tenant) by peddlers, solicitors, and canvassers. The City Administrator or authorized designee may provide a form to assist residents, and this form may allow the resident to select certain types of visits that the resident finds acceptable while refusing permission to others. This “no visit” list shall be a public document, and available for public inspection and copying. A copy of the “no visit” list shall be provided to each applicant for and each recipient of a peddler license. lf a canvasser choose not to apply for a peddler license, it will be the responsibility of that canvasser to obtain a copy of the current “no visit” list.


Section Fourteen. Distribution of Handbills and Commercial Flyers. In addition to the other regulations contained herein, a solicitor or canvasser leaving handbills or commercial flyers about the community shall observe the following regulations:


A.  No handbill or flyer shall be left at, or attached to any sign, utility pole, transit shelter or other structure within the public right-of-way. The police are authorized to remove any handbill or flyer found within the right-of-

B.  No handbill or flyer shall be left at, or attached to any privately-owned property in a manner that causes damage to such privately owned prope1ty.

C.  No handbill or flyer shall be left at, or attached to any of the property: (a) listed on the City “no visit” list, or (b) having a “no solicitor” sign.

D.  Any person observed distributing handbills or flyers shall be required to identify himself/herself to the police (either by producing a peddler license or other form of identification). This is for the purpose of knowing the likely identity of the perpetrator if the City receives a complaint of damage caused to private property during the distribution of handbills or flyers.

Section Fifteen. General Prohibitions. No peddler, itinerant vendor, solicitor or canvasser shall:


A.  Enter upon any private prope1ty where the property has clearly posted in the front yard a sign visible from the right of way (public or private) indicating a prohibition against peddling, soliciting and/or canvassing. Such sign need not exceed one square foot in size and may contain words such as “no soliciting” or “no solicitors” in letters of at least two inches in he (The phrase “no soliciting” or “no solicitors” shall also prohibit peddlers and canvassers)

B.   Remain upon any private property where a notice in the form of a sign or sticker is placed upon any door or entrance way leading into the residence or dwelling at which guests would normally enter,  which sign contains the words “no soliciting” or “no solicitors” and which is clearly visible to the peddler, solicitor or canvasser.

C.  Enter upon any private property where the current occupant has posted the property on the City’s “no visit” list (except where the posting form indicates the occupant has given permission for this type of visit), regardless of whether a front yard sign is

D.  Use or attempt to use any entrance other than the front or main entrance to the dwelling, or step from the sidewalk or indicated walkway (where one exists) leading from the right-of-way to the front or main entrance, except by express invitation of the resident or occupant of the property.

E.  Remove any yard sign, door or entrance sign that gives notice to such person that the resident or occupant does not invite

F.  Enter upon the property of another except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and sunset, Monday through Saturda “Sunset” means the time of day identified by the National Weather Service as the time for sunset for that day for the City. There shall be no peddling, soliciting or canvassing on Sunday, New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day (observed), Labor Day (observed), Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day. Except that the above prohibitions shall not apply when the peddler, solicitor, or canvasser has an express invitation from the resident or occupant of a dwelling allowing him/her to enter upon any posted property.

G.  For a solicitor, peddler or itinerant vendor to solicit for a purpose other than that set out in the application upon which the license was issued.

H.  Remain on property after the property owner, or the property owner’s designee, representative or agent, has instructed the peddler, itinerant vendor, solicitor or canvasser to l

I.  It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle, solicit or canvass on any public street or alley or traffic is notwithstanding the foregoing,

          (1)  Itinerant vendors may locate within a designated public street or alley in connection with a special event approved by the City

          (2)  Farmers may sell farm produce that was raised or grown by them within a public street and time designated by the City

          (3)  fee cream vehicles and/or snow cone trucks may use the public streets provided that they do not remain in one location for longer than fifteen ( 15) minutes.

          (4)  Solicitations may be allowed as permitted by 552.0071 of Chapter 552 of the Texas Transportation Code.


J.  It shall be unlawful for a person to solicit in the public right-of-way that is within one thousand (1,000) feet of any public or private elementary or secondary school between the hours of7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on days when such school is in sess The measurement of the distance shall be made from the nearest prope1ty line of the public or private elementary or secondary school.


Section Sixteen. Violation.  Any person violating any part of this ordinance or failing to observe any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. Every day the violation continues shall be deemed as a separate offense.


Section Seventeen. Severability.  It is hereby declared to be the Intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word(s) of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words or this ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional or invalid portion of the ordinance.


Section Eighteen. Effective Date.  This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication as required by law.

PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 13th day of July, 2017.

Phil Mitchell, Mayor